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Mission, Vision & Aims

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Society’s mission is to serve as an innovative and continuously self-improving NGO which contributes to the education of health worker at all levels by communicating with national and international related persons, institutions and organizations in the field of hematological rare diseases, designing and realizing scientific studies, supporting scientific studies, preparing and presenting educational publications.

Our Vision

Our Vision The Society’s vision is to be a contemporary,respectable and leading NGO in the field of hematological rare diseases which carried scientific, educational and organizational achievements to international platforms, reaching wide audience on national/international platform. Our Values Public benefit, Quality, Corporate Culture, Team Spirit, Education, Research, Scientific, Information, Hardware, Talent, Merit, Fairness, Reliability, Sensitivity, Responsibility, Transparency, Stability, Participation, Being Open to Innovation, Solution Orientation, Analytical Thinking, Commitment to Medical Code of Ethics, Undertake Social Responsibilities.

Our Aims

Our Aims

In the field of Hematological Rare Diseases ;

  • Making planning on education in order to educate the needed doctors, researchers and technical staff.
  • To support researchers, projects and the people, institutions and organizations working on this field.
  • To contribute to the education of the public and health workers in order to provide the public with the highest possible standard, in accordance with the requirements of contemporary science, to provide effective, efficient, quality treatment and health care services.
  • Arranging national and international meetings, training, conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, congresses or courses, doing and support scientific researches, to work in cooperation with the institutions and organizations working in this field, to provide all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications required for the realization of the objectives, to create a documentation center, to distribute the publications such as newspapers, magazines and books to its members, and to publish worksheets and information bulletins.
  • Doing joint works or projects in the field of Hematological Rare Diseases primarily with the Ministry of Health, Universities and Social Security Institution and also  other related persons, institutions and organizations.
  • To educate patients, patients relatives, health workers and the community with all kinds of publication about Hematological Rare Diseases.
© Telif Hakkı - Hematolojik Nadir Hastalıklar Derneği